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your Fashion styling experience in milan

fashion styling Course,


You Want to improve your Fashion Knowledge

2-3 Weeks Women Styling Course

 Women's Fashion Styling Course

This Fashion Stylist Image consulting course,will allow students to develop the sense of stylizing fashion with great taste. Fashion stylists must always keep in mind that they have to consider a number of factors: how to match clothes to flatter all types of size and body shapes, how to wear appropriate clothes pending on time, place and situation, or how to be trend conscious to make an eye catching campaign. Whether you want to be a stylist for personal shopper or photo shooting stylist, this course will allow you to expand knowledge about styling how to dress in each situation.


The course includes exercises on mixing and matching for new ways to dress yourself, analyzing the street fashion, coordinating an outfit under budget and more. You will have to discover all sorts of shops in Milan, becoming a stylist while enjoying the fashion capital.


What will you learn?

  • Use of Adobe: Photoshop

  • Gain Italian way of stylizing fashion

  • Gain ability to communicate new fashion trends in a visual clear way

  • Learn how to dress your Style Gain ability to create for your future clients the target conscious fashion looks

  • Gain knowledge of the past icons and designers 

  • Become trend conscious of style all over the world 

  • Recognizing names of fabric (Understanding which fabrics are more suitable for different figures & items)

For whom this fashion styling course can be useful ?

For all people who wants to increase the knowledge in the field of fashion, for professional purpose – for personal culture


You will develop a sense of style from different points of view in a more international way. Also you will learn how many different style exists all over the world, looking at fashion from worldwide.

Also, you will learn how to use Adobe Photoshop, mixing and matching clothing items and also creating new pieces using digital tools.

During the course the student will create a book which can be used as a personal portfolio presentation work.

Feeling the Italian fashion trends that are continuous evolving , is only possible if YOU live it.

1 Week Men Styling Course

Discover the Italian Men Fashion Style 

One Week Men Styling Course

And if you are a man… don’t worry, we have a men personal styling course for you too! Nowdays also men are very concerned about looking good and following the latest trends. During the Men Fashion Styling Course you will discover how you can look perfect and stunning according the occasion and your body figure. A must for all men that love the Italian fashion style!


You will receive all useful information about items, patterns, colors and fabrics, a glossary with the descriptions of what a man need to wear and some examples of male fashion icons that made the history with their looks.

What will you learn?

1-  Glossary
2-  Men's clothing description 
3-  Style Identification
4-  Men's Fabrics
5- Male Face Shapes
6- Male Face Shapes + Sunglasses
7- Men's different Body Shapes
8- Dress Code

Additional Documents

- Italian / British / American Jackets

- Fashion Icons

- Fit Suit Guide

- Fashion Male Mistakes

men fashion stying Course

Your are coming to Milan for a Short Time ? 

On Day Personal Styling Course

Make our - One Day Personal Fashion Styling Course 

Personal Fashion Style

General Styling Coaching 
1- Body Shape – Face Shape 
2- Colors in Fashion 
Your Personal Styling 
3-  Your Colors
4-  Identify which items fits to your Body
5- Your Face Your accessories 
6- Be-Chic -The Sense of Style - ways to be Stylish
7- Breaking fashion rules 
8- Fashion Errors 
Fashion Culture 
9- Style identification 
10- Discovering  Fabrics 
11- Discovering Shoes 
12- What kind of Shoes wear with...

"One Day  Women Styling Courses with Milan Fashion Campus is the great experience for your short stay in Milan. I would highly recommend it as a very detailed introduction to those who either want to start their career in fashion/styling or just as part of vacation experience in the Fashion capital of Italy, very personalized individual approach and very welcoming team. Now I plan to come back to MFC and take for intense one week or one month course."

Tag: fashion styling courses,stylist training courses,study fashion styling,fashion styling short courses,"fashion styling school"

And if you cannot come to Milan... 

Online Styling Course

The Italian

"Online Fashion Styling Course"

Online Fashion Styling
Schermata 2020-01-13 alle 1.58.13 PM cop
Anchor 1

本学は夏季休業期間を除き1年中開いています -

授業は英語で行われます -

 コースは全て毎週月曜日から始まります - 

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