アンジェロはミラノでファッションを学んだ後、 Giorgio Correggiariのもとでアシスタントを務め、そこでDomenico DolceとStefano Gabbana(Dolce & Gabbana)に出会いました。その後、1年間の軍務に就くことになり、帰還後はイタリアの企業であるBarbas(メンズウェアコレクション)で働きました。その後、彼のキャリアの中でも最も輝かしい経験の1つが訪れます。彼はGianni Versaceのアシスタントデザイナーとして働き始め、Genny、Spazio、Versusのウィメンズウェアおよびメンズウェアコレクションに4年間加わりました。
その後、彼は4年間イタリアを離れてスペインへ移り、マドリードでInduyco – El Corte Inglésと共に働きました。イタリアに帰国後、彼はMarzottoグループ、Miroglio Vestebene、Max Maraグループでコンサルタントとして活動を始め、さらに日本でも、世界的なアパレルメーカーの一つであるキングカンパニー、中国のランシーグループでも働きました。
Giorgio Correggiari

Dolce & Gabbana
Gianni Verscae

A Deep Dive into Milan Fashion Campus
Today, we're setting our sights on one of fashion's most exciting hubs: Milan. But instead of just taking in the sights, imagine actually learning right in the heart of it all at Milan Fashion Campus. If you’re passionate about fashion, this place offers something truly special: short, intensive courses that make it possible to dive into the world of fashion without committing years of your life.
Fashion Education Made Accessible
What stands out about Milan Fashion Campus is how they understand that not everyone can afford to drop everything for traditional, long-term fashion school. With their compact, boot camp-style courses, they cater to people from all walks of life—whether you're just curious about fashion, looking to switch careers, or already a seasoned professional in the industry. Imagine sitting in a classroom where a high school graduate might be working alongside a veteran industry pro. The blend of experiences and backgrounds creates a dynamic learning environment where fresh ideas meet seasoned perspectives.
A Learning Environment Like No Other
The variety of students at Milan Fashion Campus spans across generations, from teens just starting out to experienced professionals in their 40s. Picture a seasoned buyer giving feedback to a young design student passionate about sustainability. The rich diversity creates room for so many unique collaborations, conversations, and opportunities for growth that you wouldn’t get from a textbook.
Courses That Start Every Monday—Talk About Flexibility!
One of the best things about Milan Fashion Campus? Flexibility. Courses start every Monday. Yep, no semesters, no long waits—just pick a date and jump right in. Whether you have a free week or a whole month, you can fit some serious fashion learning into your schedule. And with courses like Streetwear Design, Artificial Intelligence in Fashion, or even a Fashion Week Experience in Milan, there’s something to ignite the creative spark in every fashion lover.
Meet Angelo Russica: The Vision Behind the Campus
Now, let’s talk about the mastermind behind it all—Angelo Russica. If the name doesn’t ring a bell, it should. Angelo has worked with fashion giants like Dolce & Gabbana, Gianni Versace, and Max Mara, contributing to iconic lines like Versus and Spazio. His years of experience working with the best in the business are distilled into these courses, offering students insights and knowledge you simply can't find anywhere else. It’s like having a masterclass in fashion, guided by someone who’s seen it all.
Customizing Your Fashion Education
Milan Fashion Campus goes even further by offering personalized courses. Ever wanted a bespoke education experience? Now you can have it. Their Fashion Incentive Workshops let you tailor your learning to your specific goals and interests. It’s like having a custom-made suit but for your fashion education. This level of personalization is rare, and it shows just how invested the campus is in helping students reach their individual aspirations.
Transparent and Diverse: A Community Built for Learning
Another standout aspect is how upfront they are. Whether it’s about costs or instructor qualifications, Milan Fashion Campus lays it all out. They’re proud of what they offer, and they’re not afraid to show it. The transparency helps build trust, which is especially important in a field like fashion where reputation is everything. And let’s not forget the diversity—they welcome students from all backgrounds, encouraging a mix of experience, age, and culture. It’s a true melting pot of creativity.
Conclusion: Dreaming of Milan, But Fashion Inspiration is Everywhere
Whether you’re jetting off to Milan or staying local, Milan Fashion Campus reminds us that fashion learning is within reach for everyone. And if Milan isn’t an option right now, there are still plenty of ways to tap into that energy—whether it’s through local designers, workshops, or even online resources. Fashion is a world that’s always evolving, and there’s always something new to discover.
So whether you’re just starting out or ready to take your career to the next level, keep exploring, keep creating, and never be afraid to chase those fashion dreams. After all, as they say, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.”
本学は、Fashion Quadrilateral(Via della SpigaやMontenapoleone付近)から地下鉄で2駅、ミラノ大聖堂(ドゥオーモ)から5分の場所に位置しています。
また、ミラノ最長の商業通りであるCorso Buenos Airesからわずか1分の距離にあります。Corso Buenos Airesは350以上の店舗が立ち並ぶミラノの重要なショッピングストリートであり、世界的にも高い日次売上を誇り、1日平均で10万人が訪れる活気ある通りです。

入門者: ファッションの世界に初めて足を踏み入れる、情熱と好奇心に満ちた学生。
少し試してみたい: 他の学校で長期学習を決める前に試してみたい人。
ポートフォリオの準備: 創造力とスキルをアピールするための準備をしている学生。
さらなる学び: 専門性を高めたい経験豊富な人。
ファッション愛好家: ファッションやライフスタイルのトレンドに興味を持つ好奇心旺盛な人。
探求者: 迅速なアップデートとスキル向上を必要とする人。
Skills- Experiences & Smiles
Skills = Knowledge
Experience = because Experience> is doing> traveling> meet people
Smile = Because Life is Beautiful
Teaching Fashion & Italian Lifestyle
場所を問わず - オンラインでもミラノでも
スキルと経験が第一 - 年齢は問わない

Milan Fashion Campusの誕生